I have been going to the medical floor regularly. Yesterday was the emergency admission day. Most patients were brought in half-dead. They have about a 10 to 15% mortality rate on the medical floor. A few days back I attended the mortality conference of the pediatric department. Practically all the deaths were in the first 48 hours of admission, most within 24 hours. So I guess the half-dead patients somehow survive and are discharged. Those who are admitted three-quarters dead do not survive.
I can only imagine the conditions at the government hospitals outside of Delhi. They send their sickest patients to this hospital. I have seen all kinds of mismanagement of patients before they arrive at the Casualty here. One patient had epilepsy. Prior treatment had been Valium, etc and smelling salt. I am sure it made her worse. Another patient was brought in today. She had C. Section followed by acute kidney failure. It looks like they gave her the wrong blood and she had a transfusion reaction. Another patient had AIDS diagnosed at another peripheral hospital three months back. He was not prescribed any anti-AIDS medicines.
Enough sad stories. Now the good news. I had applied to get my medical licence renewed in Delhi. I had a valid licence to practice medicine here in 1972-1973. Today after about three weeks of applying I received my Delhi licence. Now I can officially treat patients in state of Delhi. So now I can open a long distance allergy clinic here in Delhi and see patients on Skype, sitting in La Canada. Just a thought :)
Or you could just cut out the office work, and take your computer with you when you are out golfing and skype with them between holes.